Coomera Kids
"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”


Our children need to know and trust the gospel in their lives as much as anyone else. We do not believe they are ever too young to be amazed at the grace of God. During our gatherings we love to have the kids worshiping Jesus together with all of us. When it comes time for the sermon, we welcome the opportunity for parents to listen well and for the children to learn more about Jesus in fun, safe, and creative ways aimed at their level of understanding. We generally use the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum which helps kids see that all of Scripture, from cover to cover, points to Jesus.

Coomera Youth

We are committed to seeing disciples made across every generation. We love our young people, and we want to see them formed in the ways of Christ so that they may stand firm in the faith all their lives. Our heart is that they may share in the joy of Jesus as they share Him with their friends. Youth nights are a combination of social events, games, bible teaching, and community with other youth.